Thursday, November 20, 2008

Birthday Babe!

We are just having such a hard time believing that our baby is 7!!! She is zany and fun and beautiful and we are blessed to have her in our lives. We celebrated with gifts in the morning and a family trip to McDonald's for dinner. She got spoiled rotten, but she is worth every ounce of it.

Just a side note: My memory card in my camera had an error as we were finishing up the big day. I was not able to get the pictures onto my computer and was so sad to think I had lost them. I took the card to Inkley's and they were able to recover the images. Hope you never have this happen, but if you do, don't despair, there is hope to save your precious pics!


  1. She is beautiful! Just wait you will turn around tomorrow and she will be a senior :(

  2. I am so glad that you were able to save the images. I know how upset you were about them.

    I wish that you were here today to go to lunch with me and then go back to Rod Works!There is also 2 boutiques that I would love to go to with you---actually-3!

    Ever consider moving?

    I still remember finding out that yes--she was a girl! 7 years has gone quickly!
