Monday, May 25, 2009

Free Ice Cream For A Year!!!

Never in the history of ice cream has there been a girl who loves it so much. H REALLY REALLY loves ice cream. When she saw a coloring contest to enter for a chance to win free ice cream for a year, she just had to try. The odds really were in her favor. She is a fabulous artist. The grocery store called to tell her they had chose her as their winner so she had to go in immediately to claim her prize. Now she gets to go back once a month for the next year and choose 2 - 1/2 gallons for herself. She has been good enough to share with us! Congratulations, Sis!


  1. Holy cow!!! How fun is that? Congratulations.

  2. How exciting! Maybe next time you get your suppy you should invite us! We could bring cookies!

  3. Awesome! That's some prize! Pass on my congratulations.

  4. That is awesome! I didn't know anyone every won those! congratulations!
